

You can download and install ownCloud on your own Linux server, try some prefab cloud or virtual machine images, or sign up for hosted ownCloud services. See the Get Started page for more information.


If you find errors or omissions in any of the manuals, we welcome your bug reports and contributions in fixing them. Please refer to the contributing guide for instructions.


Please see the Maintenance and Release schedule for full release details.

The Administrator, User, and Developer manuals for the current stable release are always at: http://9sgve2.wcbzw.com/#current-stable-server-release.


  • Administration Manual (Download PDF)

  • Developer Manual (Download PDF)

  • User Manual (翻墙梯子购买)


  • Administration Manual (Download PDF)

  • Developer Manual (Download PDF)

  • User Manual (Download PDF)


The ownCloud X Appliance is a complete virtual machine image running ownCloud X, on Univention Server.

  • ownCloud X Appliance Manual


Building Branded ownCloud Clients (Enterprise only)

Instructions for building branded ownCloud iOS, Android, and Desktop Sync clients.

  • Building Branded ownCloud Clients (翻墙梯子购买)

ownCloud Desktop Client

The latest ownCloud Desktop Sync Client release, suitable for production use.

  • ownCloud Desktop Client Manual (Download PDF)

ownCloud Android App

  • ownCloud Android App Manual (Download PDF)

ownCloud iOS App (iOS 11+)

  • ownCloud iOS App Manual


  • ownCloud iOS App Manual (Download PDF)


Please see the Maintenance and Release schedule for full release details.

These are the older ownCloud releases. Users of these releases are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest production release.

ownCloud 10.0

  • Administration Manual (Download PDF)

  • Developer Manual (Download PDF)

  • 稳定付费梯子 (Download PDF)

ownCloud 9.1

  • Administration Manual (Download PDF)

  • Developer Manual (Download PDF)

  • User Manual (Download PDF)

ownCloud 9.0

  • Administration Manual (Download PDF)

  • ssr梯子购买 (Download PDF)

  • User Manual (Download PDF)


  • Administration Manual (Download PDF)

  • Developer Manual (网络 梯子)

  • User Manual (Download PDF)

All documentation licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

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